Mathematics Courses

The ability to study is essentially measured by the grade obtained in mathematics at the baccalaureate. The idea of being almost condemned not to get the student visa for Germany because we would have had a bad grade in mathematics prompted us to develop a preparatory course for studies in Germany that offers a good math module. The curriculum of the mathematics course is copied to that of our partner University Germany in its preparatory school in Germany.

LOGiCO-mathematical intelligence

People who possess good LOGiCO-mathematical intelligence are the great winners of our current society. They have the ability to think in abstract symbols, in algorithms, in logical sequences. The student often learns better when using logic, numbers or mathematical processing. The LOGiCO-mathematical intelligence allows the analysis of the causes and consequences of a phenomenon, the issuing of complex hypotheses, the understanding of the principles not always evident behind a phenomenon, the manipulation of numbers, the execution of mathematical operations, the interpretation of quantities. Generally, people benefiting from a strong LOGiCO-mathematical intelligence:


  • like: experimenting, solving problems, working with numbers, asking questions, exploring models and relationships.
  • excellent: in mathematics, problem solving, logic, reasoning.
  • Learn better: by using logic, numbers, models; analytical and structured manner; by working with abstract models and relationships.

The strategy in the preparation and organization

The two semesters of mathematics in PREPA Germany allow to revise, to upgrade, to acquire the mathematical routine of the first and Terminal classes. The weekly program in mathematics is:
  • 6h of mathematics for TM dies
  • 4H mathematics for W-channels
The level of mathematics will be measured by the final exam prepared, designed, and administered by the German partners during the completion of preparatory classes in Cameroon. The candidates in the scientific sector will be able to add up the proof of the trade sector to possibly qualify also for the business schools.