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Our programs / Training

We provide the best service for easy admission

Prepa Germany

Prepa Germany is a program supported by our German partner Hochschule Anhalt-University of technology

Mathematics courses

The ability to study is essentially measured by the grade obtained in mathematics at the...

Computer science courses

In our today world it is difficult to do anything without the help of computer science..

Nurses and doctors

The Studienkolleg ETALL offers a preparation programme for alternating trainings in Germany. The candidates takes...

FSP Deutsch

The FSP FACH DEUTSCH is a program supported by our German ​partner Fachhochschule...

Integration courses

German culture courses The integration courses or German course is based on the book...

Education for an Inspired life
and a positive change.

Take your life and your career to a greater level by follow our program

Who I am ?

Hello! It is not so much of me that I should be talking about, but especially about you. My desire to help you is born out of frustration of many parents and especially of students from families sometimes very modest who at times simply stopped dreaming. Not necessarily the dream of Europe, but the dream of seeing the child become a student give himself a real chance to have a training, an opportunity, a job, in short to fight in the course of the great, at least in the field of knowledge. Once the student has finished his studies here…

Our Happy Students !

Contimi Kenfack
"I am naming Contimi Kenfack and I have prepared my trip to Germany entirely at ETALL. I started the language courses in February 2014 and I finished the B2 level in September of the same year. With the B2 level I composed the TestDAF of November 2014 in Cameroon and I got the TESTDAF 4xTDN4. I got the TestDAF in 10 months of intensive course, thus guaranteeing my visa. I arrive in Germany with a definitive admission and I will go directly to faculty, without any more language courses, with all the advantages that a student enrolled in faculty. I will study electrical engineering at the Technical University of Darmstadt, as early as April 2015."
I am naming Marius Dongmo and I have prepared my trip to Germany entirely at ETALL. I started the language courses on September 15, 2014 and I finished level A2 on January 30th, 2015. I applied for the visa early March 2015 by being at level B1 and I got it at the very beginning of April 2015. I will continue the language course in Siegen in Germany and study electrical engineering.
A. Marius Dongmo
Williams Momo
I am naming Williams Momo and I have prepared my trip to Germany entirely at ETALL. I started the language courses on September 15, 2014 and I finished level A2 on January 30th, 2015. I applied for the visa early March 2015 by being at level B1 and I got it at the very beginning of April 2015. I will continue the language course in Bochum in Germany and study computer management.

Frequently asked questions

These questions come from discussions with the candidates on various topics, new questions will be added as they become more. The answers are valid only at this time, because many of them depend on the current legislation and the jurisprudence that is changing. They are based on our multiple and diverse experiences.

Le FSP est le Feststellungsprüfung qui est un examen en plusieurs matieres qui donne un acces direct aux études supérieures en Allemagne. Le module Allemand est appelé FSP FACH Deutsch. Ce module a la meme valeur que le TESTDAF et le DSH. Quand vous le passez vous entrez directement en Faculté en Allemagne. Plus besoin de faire des cours de langue Allemagne. Notre partenaire, la Fachhochschule de Kiel vient administrer l’examen à ETALL Yaoundé dans le cadre de notre coopération. C’est un examen de niveau C1, avec le meme degré de difficulté que le TESTDAF et le DSH.

Nous allons résumer la réponse en quelques points.
  1. The most common reasons for refusing a visa are number 3 and number 4 (see consular refusal letter). They point to a poor academic record. The preparation program in Cameroon, defined by the German partner, aims to bring all candidates up to standard in two semesters, especially those with an average or mediocre academic record.
  2. The candidate who has been successfully upgraded will receive a final admission to the last preparatory semester in Germany and after this preparatory semester, he/she will directly enter the faculty. He will have been declared fit by the Landesstudienkolleg and the diploma of completion of preparation obtained after examinations made by our German partners in Cameroon will erase your bad academic record.
  3. Asians who follow similar preparatory programs have a university success rate of 76% while Africans who are not obliged to do so, succeed at only 32%.
Ce programme de préparation a pour but la sécurisation de la délivrance du visa étudiant, une orientation conséquente du candidat, l’amélioration du pourcentage de réussite des étudiants camerounais en Allemagne.
  • The last semester contains a German language module whose final exam serves as sufficient proof of German language skills for higher education in Germany. This module replaces the DSH and the TestDAF.
  • In terms of time, the DSH or the TestDAF require one to two semesters of language courses in Germany, if not more. The Prepa Germany program requires only one semester of study in Germany.
  • The preparation of your student visa application in Cameroon (administrative, consular procedures etc…) is done by the Studienkolleg ETALL and sent to Germany. For this purpose the applicant will give the necessary proxies.
  • The aim of the partnership is also to simplify the consular procedures. Our German partners have been doing this for a long time for China, India, Vietnam, and we are happy that they agree to do it for Cameroon.
  • The candidate is offered and advised to do a preparatory year without worries and hassles of consular and administrative procedures. The candidate concentrates solely on his preparation (see schedule).


We have three programs.

  1. The PREPA GERMANY program whose access criteria, defined by our German partner, are a high school diploma and being under 30 years old at the very beginning of the program.
  2. The second program is for students whose visas have been refused
  3. The last program is for graduates of public higher education institutions.
    If your application is part of these three programs, then we will consider it.
  1. It is possible and it is a little more complicated. You will register in a related field and once in the field you will apply for a medical degree.
  2. It is selective, the scientific Baccalaureate with a good grade in the DSH or in the TestDAF and a “relatively” young age increase your chances
  3. To seriously increase your chances, you must also apply for a place in each of the almost thirty-six universities that offer medicine, pharmacy or dental surgery as a course of study and training. For each application, you will have to pay the processing fees for your file, possibly directly to the university

NC programs are limited access programs. A good chance for an international student lies in good grades in academic transcripts, a good grade in the language course and applying to several universities.

  1. Preparation is a central and fundamental part of studying in Germany. If you decide to study in Germany after consultation with your family, you should take part in the preparatory programs, computer training, mathematics and German culture courses, all offered at the Studienkolleg ETALL
  2. Language is so important that it is not something you can do on the side.
  1. You can pre-register at several universities but you can only register at one at a time
  2. Pre-registration simply reserves a place for you and proves that your educational profile and your chosen field of study have been judged compatible by the university.
  3. Matriculation is the act of having a matriculation number at a university. This includes payment of a regional/local transportation card called a Semester Ticket, which allows you to travel in the area surrounding that university without paying any additional fees. You will only get a student residence permit with the right to a student job after you have passed the DSH or the TestDAF or any other diploma recognized as equivalent by your university in Germany, hence the need to continue the language course in Cameroon, if possible until the day before your departure.


Description Kitchen work: The salad as an appetizer, potatoes…

You are shocked, frustrated, slaughtered, one to two years of effort…

The visa application is an extremely delicate issue. Inattentiveness…

It is always sad to hear that families have spent seven millions…

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